How to Run Your Own LLaMA

LLaMA model weights are available over the internet on various websites. This is not legal but I am sharing just a “How to — tutorial”

All work shown here is provided by LLaMAnnon

Download LLaMA Weights magnet:xt=urn:btih:b8287ebfa04f879b048d4d4404108cf3e8014352&dn=LLaMA& Get the .torrent file here.

Please download and seed all the model weights if you can. If you want to run a single model, don’t forget to download the tokenizer.model file too.

Set up Conda and create an environment for LLaMA The official method recommended by meta is using Conda so -

Set up Conda

  1. Open a terminal and run: wget
  2. Run chmod +x
  3. Run ./
  4. Go with the default options. When it shows you the license, hit q to continue the installation.
  5. Refresh your shell by logging out and logging in back again.

Create env and install dependencies

Create an env: conda create -n llama
Activate the env: conda activate llama
Install the dependencies:
conda install torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=11.7 git -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url
Clone the INT8 repo by the user tloen: git clone && cd llama-int8
Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -e .

Create a swapfile

Loading the weights for 13B and higher models need a considerable amount of DRAM. IIRC it takes about 50GB for 13B, and over 100GB for 30B. You’ll need a swap file to take care of excess memory usage. This is only used for the loading process; the inference is unaffected (as long as you meet the VRAM requirements).

Create a swapfile: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=4M count=13000 status=progress This will create about ~50GB swapfile. Edit the count to your preference. 13000 means 4MBx13000.
Mark it as swap: sudo mkswap /swapfile
Activate it: sudo swapon /swapfile

If you want to delete it, simply run sudo swapoff /swapfile and then rm /swapfile.

Run the models

I’ll assume your LLaMA models are in ~/Downloads/LLaMA.

Open a terminal in your llama-int8 folder (the one you cloned).
Run: python --ckpt_dir ~/Downloads/LLaMA/7B --tokenizer_path ~/Downloads/LLaMA/tokenizer.model --max_batch_size=1
You’re done. Wait for the model to finish loading and it’ll generate a prompt.

Add custom prompts

By default, the llama-int8 repo has a short prompt baked into

Open the file in the llama-int8 directory.
Navigate to line 136. It starts with triple quotations, """.
Replace the current prompt with whatever you have in mind.

Good luck!! The word on the street is that the 7b model is pretty dumb and that’s the only version fitting on an enthusiast GPU (16-24gb; 8gb is a NO-GO). There are some tricks to fit a 13B model to fit (using 8bit memory shenanigans but I have not done that and I am not sure how it affects the model itself).

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